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What is privilege? (White privilege, able privilege, etc.)

I take no credit nor copyright for this photo

Privilege: invisible social and societal advantages

These days everyone has heard of privilege, notably white privilege. Many are even scared to use this word, because it put some people on the defensive. They may argue they don’t have privilege as they weren’t born into a wealthy family. But that is just a visible privilege. There are many other privileges such as white privilege and able-bodied privilege. The best way to describe it is that having privilege doesn’t mean that your life wasn’t hard or that you didn’t work hard for what you have it just means that your skin colour or a disability didnt make it HARDER. Because what one considers a hard life or hard work is all relative and it is often relative based on privilege. It may be a hard pill to swallow that simply being born a white, straight and able-bodied relatively healthy person already means you have several privileges, but you likely will not see them, because only people of non-privilege see them as a result of their daily struggles just to survive, not only with the same problems you face daily, but a hundred more weighing on them, from dealing with and fighting government systems and laws, to workplace discrimination (or difficulty in finding and keeping the same type of jobs that a white healthy person has all the opportunity to get), and unfounded societal judgement, and so on and so forth.

White privilege: most are aware of this by now. It means that your skin color isn’t considered a crime to some. It means you won’t be suspected and mistreated in the same way. You don’t have the same risks. You have an equal chance for gainful employment with all employers. As Doctor Mike points out in his video regarding protests (shared in a previous post), one’s zipcode is a bigger factor in getting disease than one’s cholesterol levels. Etc., etc. I’m sure you have seen both the arguments explaining white privilege by now as well as comments trying to completely deflect from the issues at hand. One sad story shared on Tiktok under #BLM was a deaf black man saying he fears a police officer encounter as he won’t be able to hear what the officer says and his sign language can be misinterpreted as gang signs. This is an example of someone who has a double disadvantages (privilege wise) if met with a discriminating officer: his race and his disability. He also has the additional stress and fear of not being able to look to the police for protection and peace if needed, but rather fearing the police in a free country.

Here is Ashton Kutcher calling out, “All lives matter” in a tearful point.

And a cartoon to help explain the problem with All lives matter vs. Black lives matter

Here a white woman discusses White fragility, when one gets defensive when being told that they have privilege or about being called out on having said something racist. She also admits how she grew up thinking the world is her oyster, that she can get almost any job if she works hard enough for it; another privilege that not everyone has due to race, disability, etc.

Of course there are other marginalized and vulnerable people such as the disabled who are struggling and suffering beyond our idea of struggle normally and especially in a health crisis and financial crisis. So I think it is fair to bring up vulnerable minorities. Because we should expand our hearts to all human sufferring and struggle and those who are vulnerable and to give more voice to the voiceless, especially those in urgent need during this crisis, but also for all long-term.

Able bodied privilige- this is less heard about as generally disabled and chronically ill persons with invisible disabilities, due to mental and physical barriers are the least squeaky wheel which is why it is important to help give a voice to the voiceless. By many they are not considered as productive members of society, even if they want to be, and can be, simply because most workplaces are not adapted to their limitations, though they have a lot to offer and the willingness to work. Workplaces, society and government systems generally add access for disabilities etc as an afterthought. To operate under the assumption that they dont deserve more of society’s help to get on their feet, if they haven’t contributed as much in the work force (when the design of the workforce is ableist and catered to able bodied people) is to operate from a place of able-bodied privilige rather than seeking understanding for their challenges with work and how can society try to make things more accessible or even remote (as in 2020 this may become more of a trend as many businesses and governments realize that many jobs can be done mostly remotely, and essentially for those with limitations, at one’s pace). To assume that because there are some few jobs that give access to those with disability and that should be enough, when there are serious challenges with the majority of the workforce, is coming from privilege as a able bodied persons that can get any career they deserve and work for. To say that the governments have done enough progress in changing old laws and policies to be less discriminatory and include all people, is to say that there is nothing left to improve, and is again privilege (white privilege, able privilege,etc, they are really similar). To say that there is some small help out there for them is to throw the hot potato over to someone else, or another part of the system to deal with it and not acknowledge the rest of the gaps and issues. This is a long-term problem, but especially in a crisis these vulnerable people are more at risk and cannot be neglected and just passed on to someone else or some other system to deal with, because in the end there is very little help for them. Here is a TED talk on able privilege and as the speaker says, it actually overlaps greatly with white privilege; an invisible advantage in society. I think as society we should strive to help vulnerable people so that one day hopefully won’t need society’s help as much if at all, rather than keeping them in a vicious cycle and socio-economic holding pattern of constant fear and struggle where many just get worse-off instead of better. They may also end up contributing to society much more in the end when given a proper chance, rather than requiring long-term support.

There are, of course, other privileges such as male privilege (and the reporductive rights that come with it) and heterosexual privilege, and I cannot get to them all today, so I’ve focused on what I think is the most pressing in the crises we are facing. I think in general, just thinking of marginalized people who are hard done by helps to avoid abusing any of these privileges.

Overall for the sake of all marginalized people, it shouldn’t take a murder or a crisis or a violent protest to realize that something is wrong and that some people are being awfully hard-done by in society and life. So as humanity we should strive to lend a voice and help these people out of their hardships to have a normal life free of discrimination. (Of course the means of help, is going to differ for different groups of people, for example someone with a disability needs more financial assistance and work accessibility for their barriers, someone of color may need reform and additional education in the police system to have less police injustice, safety and support in impoverished areas, etc). All marginalized groups need more funds for advocacy to give them an effective voice by advocates who understand the law and their rights, and there are fundraisers for this for BLM right now. There are too many different circumstances to rail off each one, and as a Canadian I am not equipped to talk about ghettos or the struggle of African-Americans in the States, but here it is just about recognizing privilege and privileged ways of thinking, talking and creating systems around privilege). Everyone has to do their own credible research, but most of all listen to those afflicted and not invalidate their struggles by simply deflecting and focusing on one small part of the issue (such as the looters who are a small percentage of the protesters, yet the centre focus of the media, though they don’t represent all the peaceful protesters and activists out there.)

Perhaps with the extra time most have now we can use this to educate ourselves and help or advocate for those who need it for less discriminatory systems and more inclusive workplaces, etc and a more inclusive world. To me an evolving society will be one that seeks tolerance and understanding even for circumstances they cannot truly understand as they have not lived them, rather than judging what is unknown to them. And that is why it is being stressed now for all of us to Listen and Learn from the oppressed. This of course means letting go of our assumptions and prejudices and truly wanting to hear the struggles of the vulnerable minorties, and that is not an easy feat, as many prefer to deflect from the argument. But perhaps we need to be uncomfortable for a bit to hear the truth of someone who has been excruciatingly uncomfortable and in pain for a lifetime due to social constructs of the status quo.

The first change starts in the mind and how we perceive and value people’s lives. At the end of the day though, for anything to change in government, letters and peaceful protests are needed. But we should care not to attack or damage the lives of innocent and often also vulnerable and marginalized people such as the homeless, people with disabilities and illnesses, immigrants, and poor people who are already hard done by in life, especially this year, as is being done now in America due to violent protestors. We cannot have narrow-vision now of only BLM and destroy the lives and poor communities of other marginalized people, including black people. We cannot just use anger in a destructive way (and I can understand somewhat black people boiling over, but privileged white punk looters or opportunists using and misrepresenting BLM in all the wrong ways and not realizing who they hurt (and what unknown struggles these innocent people have), including marginalized and ill people in public houses and poor communities, is wrong and many black activists such as Desiree Barnes calls out these looters (her video is in a previous post of mine). Outrage should be chanelled the right way and aimed at the right people and coupled with compassion, as Michelle Obama stated in her Class of 2020 speech. That is the only way to pursue positive, meaningful change without costing innocent lives and creating more devision.

However, if you don’t open yourself up to hear the systemic struggles of others and don’t speak up for yourselves and others then the masses and government remain unware and complacent and the government doesn’t have the evidence and the push it needs to change old systems. This is true with BLM, but also with other struggling marginalized groups we don’t hear about in 2020 such as people with disabilities, or in Canada, with aboriginal communities. We need to give voice to the voiceless and use our voice in a good, constructive way coming from a place of seeking a deeper understanding and wanting to expand our empathy.

25 replies »

  1. Well, the point is that it’s all relative. So the point of life is what we learn and what we do with it–and it’s debatable if someone born with money (or white) or beautiful really has it “better.” So you have nothing to do with how you born–only what you do with it. My best friend in high school was movie star beautiful — let me tell you it was a curse. Some have more gifts than others –and that is true no matter the color of your skin. I have a handicapped son. My grandmother’s husband died of cancer at 30 years old and she never remarried and had cancer three times. And let me tell you, overall WOMEN of all colors and walks of life are still the most marginalized people on the planet. Don’t forget black MEN could vote even in this country about 50 years before we could!! The Equal Rights Amendment has never even been ratified in this country so it is not really law!! Do we deserve reparations? Probably as much or more, but do I want that? No. People are abused or lose people. It’s true, we don’t all start out exactly the same — but again, I can make some interesting philosophical arguments about privilege. The one thing I do know is that no matter who I was, I wouldn’t want people patronizing me and treating me like a victim. The left has done nothing but create a dependent class instead of giving them real help — like charter schools, proper education, mentoring programs. The statistics don’t support that there is a cultural genocide happening, not that many people are killed by police period, but out of all police encounters, half of those dead are white. Does that mean that there aren’t bad cops or racism? Of course not–does that mean it’s rampant? No. However, the “perception” on top of a few bad cases like this is actually a problem, But ok, i don’t agree that “privilege” plays out in the way it’s being politicized. I’ve lived a long time and know a lot about adversity and life. But let’s say you are right. We have collective guilt and this situation is our fault. What do you propose to do about it? That’s the bottom line. Should we just keep working at treating everyone the same (which I submit is the only solution along with better education and mentoring opportunities)–or are you going to do reparations (who gets that? What if you had a white parent? How would you ever arrange that nightmare?) Are you going to give them a guaranteed income like some of them want? I can guarantee you that is the worst thing that can happen for someone’s character as illustrated by children of rich parents and celebrities and lottery winners. How do you find out about yourself? Perhaps free education for black people who can prove they need it? Maybe that would be reasonable. But when people get things for free they tend to not work very hard for things–it’s something they take for granted. There is no perfect government but capitalism provides the best and free-est system because it allows people to explore who they are and provides incentives for people to become doctors or scientists which take years and years of work and dedication. If they get paid the same as garbage collectors few people will make that commitment to medicine. What other remedies are there that will make a person have personal worth? These “remedies” will ruin things in a way that slavery never did — they will be permanent slaves. Conservative black people understand this fully, but the left is good at promises crap for power and it’s a sad state of affairs. None of these idiot socialist ideas take into account human dignity and human nature. Old souls realize that “privilege” or lack of it is just an accident of birth and the only thing of any worth is the JOURNEY. None of us are “equal”–we can do the best to provide equal opportunity but if the left gets its way or Black Lives Matter, it will be the final nail in their coffins. They CAN do whatever they set their minds to. They just have to believe it. And many of them do. The best thing to be done is to find mentors, clean up the crime and drugs if possible. But almost by definition, and this “privilege” thing — the left wants to divide and use these people for power. How would politics look if they couldn’t separate us this way and they stopped doing it. How would it look if all the politicians said we were all t he same? Well, you are right that we are all born into different situations, but that is life, it’s the human condition. Black people have it better here than people have it in many countries. White people here vary wildly in “privilege.” Some of this simply can’t be completely solved. There will always be bad people doing bad things–of all colors. And always people getting a raw deal. But we must have faith in human nature and we must have faith in ALL human people. We can help people but we must be careful to not strip them of dignity and make them dependent on a system that does nothing more than keep them barely alive and forever enslaved. Do you know that Chickadees naturally know how to store seeds for the winter, but if you feed them in a feeder, they lose that ability and die over winter? There are ways to help people and it’s not the way the left proposes. So what is your solution?? “Awareness” won’t do it. We’ve been aware for decades. Things were actually getting quite a bit better before socialist progressives started dividing people for power with identity politics. We don’t fit into groups — we are all nuanced individuals. And if we buy into that, it’s Brave New World.


  2. This is a long message with many points so I will start with replies to just a couple.
    You say your son in handicapped, if you were not around to care for him as a child (ex I know someone who is in a wheelchair and blind and was abused in childhood and abandoned by his parents) would you not want the sytem and society/humanity to care for him? To help him with whatever challenges and barriers he was facing in work access, to get a good job, and other barriers in getting an education and a living and comprehensive health coverage? Also important to note that some caretakers and landlords abuse these people either physically or by taking their money without necessarily always providing a safe decent home etc. And even for those with disability who did grow up with a family, once they are adults on their own, life and trying to get and keep a good job and offset medical costs can be very hard, esp since when designing most workplaces most think off access for persons with disabilities or illness, as an after thought.
    In Canada we have health coverage for all (though room to grow for those with disabilities needing more), it doesnt enslave us nor make us communists.
    And Id say so far our situation comparably to the US is much more peaceful and there is a lot less division and racism and discrimination with our system and beliefs so I dont think they backfired on us or turned us into communists.
    As for the numbers of black people killed at the hands of police compared to white people from what I’ve seen there is a stark contrast so I would have to see a lot of valid evidence to disprove that.
    You say we don’t have to change any of our systems much and just to have faith in people and police to continue as is? As for the reparations I never mentioned that in my article I was talking about people who currently need help due to disability.
    Though in Canada we do have programs for the native Americans whose communities we have hurt. It seems to work ok.


  3. I don’t know if it’s fair to say that having more government programs and help and less discrimination will ruin people more than slavery ever did. Slaves would have even their limbs amputated by their awful masters and no chance at life- it is not a fair comparison.

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  4. Fairness. Nothing is fair. Sure I’d want someone to help my son. But you are assuming black people are handicapped and victims and I don’t believe that. That is insulting and patronizing. I’d be so insulted if I were black and you made that parallel. There are all kinds of inequalities in life and your inclination to make things “fair” will not serve you well. Life is not fair. And there are plenty of white people who are in that same boat–not just blacks. So that is not a “fair” comparison. No I am right about the numbers of fatalities. In actual police encounters, as many white people as black are killed and that is a small number overall anyway. 17 black people out of a country of 33 million. I believe that was last year. Now black people don’t make up half the population yet higher proportion of blacks live in cities than white, — they tend to live in inner cities, so the encounters still seem to be the important statistic. This is not genocide. That is something being distorted.

    I believe a lot of your folks come here for better health care. At last according to my nurse relatives. And the situation in the UK is very poor according to first hand folks I know there. They have to wait forever and it’s rationed.

    You also have to pay for these programs AND you are not helping people by setting the up with a permanent income — that will strip them of initiative, drive, and it will be just enough to keep them from excelling and used to it — and enslaved.. There is work to be done — but not this way.


  5. And we DO take care of disabled people in this country and we should. That is not the same as poor whites or black people who are able bodied and mentally sound.


  6. I never meant to compare black people to handicapped people. I put them in separate Privilege definitions. If I could go on longer I would also talk about women and homosexuals and all other minorities. I don’t think it’s insulting to say all these people may have experienced some form of discrimination or lack of privilege. It would be also insulting to say to handicapped person that their health status is considered the most insulting to even other marginalized groups. Perhaps the issue is with the word handicapped or disability and what it connotates in society.


  7. I also never talked about a permanent income for all people, be it wrong or right, that is an assumption. As I mentioned in a previous reply there are some people who have severe disabilities and do need that help and is does not enslave them and them suffering and struggling is not at all better. Just like you said you have faith in people like police officers, I have faith that a lot of people do not want to just depend on the system long-term (and just to receive a small cheque isnt worth it for most) and when they are able to get to a stable place they will do what is within their means to succeed. I’m not telling you how to vote for and run your country in the states. But as always I am thankful to be Canadian.


  8. Its good there are some helps for the disabled, but there are many struggling unless they have extra family support and accessibility etc still has a ways to go


  9. Sure! You are right! It depends on the handicap, doesn’t it?? All t hings are relative and nothing is fair. So giving all handicapped people a handout could do just as much damage. My son is very low functioning so it wouldn’t be insulting to him, but it certainly could be to give someone too much help. Dan Crenshaw, interesting guy I hope is president someday, talks a lot about losing his eye in Afghanistan. He could have taken a military disability and never worked again, but he was insulted — he was fully capable of working. But I think the point is that we all have issues to overcome and the “least restrictive environment” is what people thrive in — a term from guiding my son through the regular school district. 🙂 I know people want to do something and I can tell you are good hearted! 🙂 But this is very complicated and these easy remedies and promises are likely to make things much worse–their programs so far have not worked as they should have–and BTW all these cities are run by liberals. So why don’t they fix them if they have all the answers? they’ve been in charge in them for decades. Because it’s just about power and/or their programs don’t work. Hmmm, it never ceases to amaze me how everyone else in the world — all the bloggers — comment on our politics here in the US as if they live here. We would never presume to do that about anywhere else. I only comment about first hand knowledge I have — my best friend was born in the UK and her mother is still there, so she is there all the time and I get first hand info on their health system–same with some nursing statistics. I’m not so much being critical as it’s just an interesting observation. Well, it was a nice exchange and I liked hearing your thoughts. Everybody is so much more thoughtful on WordPress. I hate facebook and de-activated today. Happy Saturday, Ola. You are a good soul.


  10. No, I know you didn’t talk about a permanent income–I was just asking you about remedies and those are the ones our idiot leftists are floating around here. More brilliance. So I proposed that to ask if you that was what you had in mind. And it would be nice if it worked out people got short term help, but that’s not what happened here. Not for the most part. I’m sure a few people did as you suggest. But what happened here, for instance, is that we provided “aid to dependent children.” The big quandary is always about the children –and this is a hard one to solve. But if the mother got married, she stopped getting the money. Now wasn’t that brilliant? So the men all left the families, they never marrid, and they had more kids, the fathers tended to not make any commitments. But we have people here who just flat out say they will just take the money if we are stupid enough to give it and keep their freedom — stay pretty poor. Unfortunately, it becomes a system and they learn how to manipulate that and that is terrible for them. So short term help,especially for children, would need to be combined with mentoring and extra help/education or something. Very short term. But then if they got out of their slums, they’d lose some of their voter base! I know I’m a bit cynical. But it’s easy to promise people things you can’t provide or don’t plan to and sound so loving. when you just want voters. (Open borders). Ok, I’ll leave you to it. Nice post and nice discussion! I enjoyed it.


  11. Thank you for the kind words, I think it’s important even when people have different stances and things to be kind and see the points of views because its rarely just the false dichotomies that some of the media present it to be. As for the handicaps I don’t know if it’s fair to compare or invalidate different peoples handicaps or some have invisible illnesses that present differently (ex MS where you may walk ok one day and not the next) that are just as valid and some have certain limits that can be worked around but only if employers and systems make that an option as they will be competing with people who are totally able-bodied and healthy. I don’t think my post was about the states specifically. I do have to laugh a bit though when you say that Americans don’t comment on what other countries do, because I come from mixed cultures one of them being Middle Eastern I would have family members that would beg to differ on how the US has meddled in places like Iraq, but they dont have to deal with the bombs in their own country so they may not be affected enough to comment or protest as much. Because America carries a big stick the whole world is concerned about what happens there and therefore stresses and comments about it


  12. I think If people are afraid of scamming the system there are other ways around it. I don’t know anything about the fathers leaving example but for people with disabilities its not an easy thing to prove. There are all kinds of other help instead of just cash such as accessibility in workplaces and education places, grants for schooling for those who need it, extended health coverage, etc etc. More health coverage and making more places wheelchair accessible or adapted to other limits thru more support for equal opportunity employers or providing more remote jobs for people with disabilities or illness to have a fair chance is not something that is going to be taken advantage of by able-bodied people. Generally giving people more education so that they are not in slums or drugs or whatever is probably also going to make make them reach higher. Mostly the people I can think of taking advantage of the system are people who need rehab for drug addiction not normal people who wouldnt want to live below poverty on govt cheques


  13. Oops, typo. Seventeen dead black people in police deaths out of 300million people. not 33 million. One death is too many and they may not all have been legitimate, but hardly genocide. And just as many white people in actual police encounters. More black people live in cities than white sometimes? So that is just not being represented fairly. So it’s easy to mess with these numbers. Does your news tell you that about 20 people have been killed in these riots including one black police chief trying to do his job? But that black life doesn’t matter. Violence is not justified. Anyway, wanted to correct that typo. (I used to be an adjunct professor at Northern Michigan U. and I taught argument papers and literary analyses, Freshman English — so I enjoy looking at issues from all angles.)


  14. Sounds great! Things progress more and more for the disabled. But these programs haven’t worked here in inner cities and the ones they are proposing now are even worse yet.


  15. Yeah, we’ve certainly meddled militarily, and some of us would like it better if we did that less!! Trust me. But we individuals don’t comment on cultural practices in other countries because we are too self centered and we just aren’t informed enough to do it! Everybody keeps up with our every move, though they aren’t getting all the information, of course. Well, and we do respect other cultures more than people respect ours. We aren’t allowed any, you know.


  16. I never said anything about violence being justified but people have the right to protest peacefully and that is usually one of the only ways to change anything


  17. My mixed race family which watches the American news, Canadian news, European news and Middle Eastern news would say that American news is very biased and not the full news, especially in international affairs. I cannot say that I agree that America has always been respectful of other cultures and countries, esp the ones they bomb.


  18. ***A note to readers: I think the comments and replies here are not all necessarily in chronological order due to a tech glitch. I believe from my understanding of when I saw the comments in reply to mine that Lynn’s comment that starts with “Fairness….sure I would want someone to help my son” was a reply to my first comment. But I may be wrong as there was a lot of commentary coming in all at once.


  19. Again, I’m talking about American individuals behave when they visit or talk to people of other nations — very respectful. Part of the reason we voted in Donald Trump was because he wanted to quit messing all over the world. He’s made SOME attempt at that, but not as much as we’d like! So our foreign policy — something we have limited control over even though we try — is not how individuals behave at all. If we went somewhere, or in our interaction, like you and me–we wouldn’t presume about your politics or even feel we had the right to comment in it. We’d ask you things. But I think possibly the reason you all keep us with our politics so much is because our leaders mess around in it all much more than they should–when Trump tried to start getting out of there, he got lots of pushback from both sides of the aisle. I’m talking just about the way we bloggers interact and people who visit from here to other countries. wish we had more control over foreign policy.


  20. I agree. I’m for all first amendment rights. Protesting was fine. We were all fine with it until the lunacy started. As a libertarian I am also for not censoring people –another thing liberals have changed on. Our liberals also think the violence (oh and suddenly it’s fine to breathe all over everyone when peaceful protests for going back to work was horrifying) the violence is fine. I lost or had a huge falling out with my best friend of 50 years on facebook because she was making excuses for this violence. And of course, the left media doesn’t print the real statistics or they’d think it was less justified at least–it’s a crisis that can never go to waste. And a perception. Our liberals have been trying to make race relations a campaign issue and this idiot cop played into their hands. But they know it’s not the way they are portraying it. Not to mention Biden was responsible for this unfair crime bill in the first place and TRUMP is the one who got involved with kim Kardashian and passed bills to get them fairness. This media coverage is outrageous.

    I understand if people don’t like Trump’s personality (I wanted either Rand Paul or Rubio), but this media and left thing –all the documentation is about to come out about how the Obama administration weaponized the justice department. So get ready for that. The Durham report. Already the internal Horowitz report of the FBI was horrifying and being ignored by mainstream media. As a civil libertarian it makes Watergate pale. And unlike the made-up proof paid for by Hillary Clinton –opposition research used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on a campaign, information omitted and even forged to present to a FISA court, there is written proof of what they did to this poor guy.It’s been a horrible 3 years here. So there is both written proof and the lack of evidence to do what they did–all going to be very damning to them. So this race thing and the virus is all they have to go after Trump. Again, a liberal run city–all the big cities. Klobuchar let this cop remain there in past complaints–so she is out as VP. And poor Biden is senile. What a thing.

    Journalism is dead in the US.

    Violence is never justified unless it is in imminent self defense. So I was just bringing up the rest of the American liberal stances here in our exchange since you were talking like them on some matters. Pointing out the whole picture. My point: nobody is against peaceful protests and 99% of us were horrified at what happened to George Floyd and want the policemen prosecuted. (No rush to judgment, though–let’s not lynch the guy from the nearest tree like was done to them and be sure we hav e all the information at the trial). I am a libertarian, not a Republican, so I’m a social liberal for the most part. For gay marriage, for abortion –IN THE FIRST TRIMESTER NOT LATE TERM–WHAT BARBARISM — except for the physical life of the mother. So we fiscal conservatives also do not want the police department disbanded. What lunacy. Now they are doing that all over the country. Minneapolis disbanded it today. You have to be kidding.. LIberals were already in control of all the major cities and now this is their solution. And think of how they are treating all those good policemen–lumping them in with these few bad apples. Such a disgrace. A bit of unreported information for you above. (As a teacher, I read the New York Times and Huffington Post daily for the left viewpoint–but liberals hear only half the information–the mainstream media is just an arm of the progressive party–journalism is dead — except Fox News which actually does have all viewpoints on it if you watch all of it and not just editorial shows. Well, I’m on the road today. Happy Saturday.

    I like your blog — nutrition and cooking are part of what I blog about. I do eat dairy, but i drink lactaid. And i am keto/carnivore because i do so much better with my auto-immune problems without plants. But I love reading people who are involved in it. I do limit dairy. Whole foods and organic are the key. Many people do well on different diets, but that is the one constant. No processed food.


  21. We do get all kinds of news everyone is aware of the looters, but most media is biased and also realize the violent cannot be lumped together with the peaceful protesters. there have been cases of peaceful protesters being teargassed and hit with rubber bullets such as for trumps photo op with the Bible in front of a church which he claimed the peaceful protesters were going to burn, but given that the church itself has condemned Trump for his actions and that there is footage of this I doubt anyone believes him. But I can’t go on Debating especially since my post was not even about the states specifically or Trump I think people need to do their own credible research as none of us should tell them what do you think too much.
    Thank you I’m glad you enjoyed the recipes!


  22. Thank you for this great post! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and learning from your thoughts! I have recently published an article on my blog about the danger of violent protests and why non-violence is the only option in achieving long-term change. If you have time, it would be great if you could check out my article and let me know your thoughts! Thank you and all the best 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Thank you, I will try to soon, in the middle of job hunting these days though! I agree peaceful protesting, letters, etc are better than violence

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